The X-Files Top 20 Coolest Moments (According to X-Files Magazine, 2002) #9 Scully Breaks The News to Mulder | 4x15 Memento Mori SCULLY: For all times I have said that to you I am as certain of this as you have ever been. I have cancer. It is a mass on the wall between my sinus and cerebrum. If it pushes into my brain statistically there is about zero chance of survival. MULDER: I don’t accept that. Th..there must be some people who have received treatment for this, we..can… SCULLY: Yes there are.

The X-Files Top 20 Coolest Moments (According to X-Files Magazine, 2002)

#9 Scully Breaks The News to Mulder | 4x15 Memento Mori

SCULLY: For all times I have said that to you I am as certain of this as you have ever been. I have cancer. It is a mass on the wall between my sinus and cerebrum. If it pushes into my brain statistically there is about zero chance of survival.

MULDER: I don’t accept that. Th..there must be some people who have received treatment for this, we..can…

SCULLY: Yes there are.

September 18 2011
298 Notes
#the x files #dana scully #fox mulder #coolestmoments #memento mori [1] #mulder and scully [1] #bella edit [1]


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