"tell me about your otp"
Source: twerking-on-the-tardis
The Host
Pretty Vintage Duchovny. (Reasons: hair. wrinkled forehead. smirk)
First Person Shooter [3/3] || requested by roflmaokbai
I wouldn’t say disappointed, I liked them a lot but I was okay with the ending. Although its always nice when characters get to come back. I always wonder about Flukeman and what happened to The Jersey Devil’s son.
"No, I won’t sit idly by as you hurl cliches at me…" - [X-Files 6x20 I The Unnatural]
First Person Shooter [2/3] || requested by roflmaokbai
A-Z ★ Gillian Anderson
The X-Files - The Post-Modern Prometheus (5x06)
"Is there anything that you don’t believe in, Mulder?"
This episode’s title is an in-joke relating to Mary Shelley’s novel Frankenstein; that story is subtitled The Modern Prometheus, a reference to the Greek mythical figure Prometheus. Prometheus was a demi-god who made men out of clay, and is probably best remembered as being the one who stole fire from Olympus and taught mortal men how to use it - an act that got him punished by Zeus. His punishment was to be chained to a rock and to have an eagle eat his liver every day. [x]
You can call me queen bee… and I’m in love with being Queen.
Royals | Bedelia + Hannibal
"tell me about your otp"
Source: twerking-on-the-tardis
First Person Shooter [1/3] || requested by roflmaokbai